Plasma Patients Urge Support for Congressional Plasma Caucus

By Anita Brikman, PPTA President & CEO

Last week, the American Plasma Users (APLUS) Coalition issued an Action Alert to their members urging support for and membership in the newly formed Congressional Plasma Caucus. The APLUS Coalition represents the over 125,000 Americans living with chronic disorders who depend upon plasma-derived therapies to lead healthy, productive lives.

The Action Alert provides an easy way for the public to contact their Members of Congress and ask them to consider joining the Congressional Plasma Caucus, a bipartisan group of lawmakers with a focus on raising awareness about the impact of plasma-derived therapies on patents with rare and chronic conditions, the potential barriers to accessing these essential medicines, and the importance of source plasma donation. The Caucus is co-chaired by Representatives Larry Bucshon, MD (R-IN), and Scott Peters (D-CA).

PPTA applauds the formation of the Caucus and was pleased to participate in their inaugural event on Capital Hill this past May. The event featured industry experts and a patient group advocate who provided insights into the collection, manufacturing process, and importance of these life-saving drugs.  

The Association is proud to support the Plasma Caucus’ efforts in educating Members of Congress and their staff about the need for policies to support patients who rely on plasma-derived therapies. 

Please consider taking a minute to complete the APLUS Action Alert and ask your Representative to join the Plasma Caucus.